Microagressions 2017

For the most part, Sage Creek’s administration has stayed clear of introducing political concepts to students in an environment that doesn’t allow for different opinions, but in the case of Microagressions 2017, this was not how it played out.
As part of the "No place for hate" campaign, funded by ASB and other sources, administration attempted to educate students on the concept of a "Microaggression".
The educating was done via a series of MTV videos featuring solely white males making comments such as “your English is really good”, to people of other races, or calling a vaguely Arabic looking male “Bin Laden”.
The receivers of the comments would then be pictured receiving a pane of glass thrown at their face while they would monologue a rebuttal.
The student body received this with very little seriousness, with even the most liberal of students viewing this as little more than a joke.
The administration would later look into alternate methods of education on such topics after complaints from advisories on the fact that all aggressors were depicted as white males, which in itself would be a “microagression”.