Senior Class President Oversight of 2017

Revision as of 20:04, 19 June 2018 by Joeybab3 (talk | contribs)


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In the spring of 2017, Senior Class Council Elections were held.

The results ended in a vote for Darius Rahmanian over his competitor, Lea Marquez, both Juniors in the Class of 2018 at the time. This page pertains to the removal of Darius Rahmanian from his originally elected position of Senior Class President.

The issues began after ASB Adviser Danny Kung, realized an oversight had lead to Rahmanian being allowed to run without any hindrance despite receiving a failing grade in an academic class.

Soon after, Rahmanian was indicted and apprehended for "improper expression" due to his Instagram page. When asked on which posts were specifically being considered, Administration was unable to provide specific posts, instead citing the entire page as improper expression.

Thus, as Rahmanian was not technically eligible to have ran, he was impeached and replaced by Bailee Brennan who was originally elected as the Senior Class Vice President.

Rahmanian was formally removed after a plea to Cesar Morales was rejected, and Rahmanian's competitor was enstated as the new Senior Class Vice President.

Bailee Brennan's campaign rival Lea Marquez was also instated as the new Senior Class Vice President.