Sage Creek Every Day

Revision as of 22:22, 17 June 2018 by Joeybab3 (talk | contribs)


Sage Creek's first ever Snapchat Geofilter in all its glory.

Sage Creek Every Day is a Snapchat Geofilter at Sage Creek High School created by Joey Babcock.

It went live on September 25th, 2015, and has been up since.

It's meaning has mostly been used to denote things that might have the caption "Just sage creek things" or videos of friends and classmates screwing around in class.


While the phrase's exact origins are unknown, Yearbook and English teacher Rachel Merino-Ott rejected this phrase as a submission for a senior quote, citing "It is a drug reference, 'Sage' and 'Smoke' start with 's', Creek and Weed rhyme. You may have gotten past administration, but you're not going to get past me."


This filter was made using a rounded, feathered rectangle of the color #008C00. It features a scratchy text in the 'DK Criss Cross' font that says "Sage Creek Every Day." in Sage Creek Gold(#B9A028), and Sage Creek White(#FFFFFF).