SCHS vs CHS Basketball Game 2017

Revision as of 19:57, 25 November 2018 by Joeybab3 (talk | contribs)


Every year, the annual SCHS vs CHS Basketball Game occurs during Basketball season between rival high schools Sage Creek High School and Carlsbad High School.

2017’s game was the most notable thus far, going as far as to make national news. It was notable not for its gameplay or score, but rather because of the actions leading up to and especially during the game.



Almost every year the two rival schools played each other, students would take to twitter to trash talk the other school, with far heavier criticism raining down on Sage Creek.

In 2016-2017, tensions were especially high for two reasons:

1. This was the last year for the Class of 2017, whoch was the first class to be split and ever had to choose between two high schools.

2. Sage Creek had become much more competitive and was finally at the same level playing field with Carlsbad High School.