

Thomas(Tommy) "Check Your Cables" Gamelin is an architecture and engineering teacher at Sage Creek beginning in the 2013-2014 school year. He is best known for teaching the fundamentals of engineering while showing off his level 100 engineer Inventor skills.

He has been here since the opening of Sage Creek.

Tips For His Class

  • If something is wrong with your computer, "Check your cables".
  • If you can't figure out how to make the car in inventor, just download it off the internet.
  • Don't get caught photoshopping this image ↑↑↑ if you do, be prepared!


“The Japanese have this word called unagi.  It means complete awareness of your surroundings.  And you don’t have it.”
“Actually, my product is a SnugWow.  It’s a Snuggie made out of ShamWow.”
“Don’t make a new invention.  Wait for someone else to invent something.  Then make a little improvement to their idea, and then steal their marketshare.”
“Is this what you do?  Just… updating your Left Shark fan page?”
“Problem solved.  I am gonna be a millionaire, on top of my multimillion-dollar watermelon empire.”
"Tron is about architecture"
"If you used Times New Roman 12 point font, change it. That's made from the tears of pandas!"
"I would spray you with a squirt bottle, but that's generally frowned upon."
"Tron is about engineering"
"You can feel your grade going down, can't you?"
"Tron is about the design process"
"Your grade is dropping by osmosis. You know how you go to the library and you think you'll get smarter from being around a bunch of books? It's like that in reverse."
"You know that kid who just sleeps in the back of the class? *points to sleeping guy* He did better than you"
"Tron is a great movie"
"No one cares about your invention unless it makes money"
"The color red is not a material"
"You sure Jean-Luc? It gets a lot worse... BRO"
"If you don't have a 360 account, you need to make one IMMEDIATELY."
"Mate it with that face."
"It's like one click, but twice very fast... DOUBLECLICK"
BAM! Right side view... BAM!"
"Oakely Doakely"
"If you receive a zero for a deadline... Flux Capacitor, Delorean, 88mph, 1.21 gigawatts, Doctor friend is optional"
"Oh great, my first stalker, and he's french..."
"Text effects will danken your memes."